To paraphrase Nietzsche, the danger in fighting monsters is that of becoming a monster oneself. Why do we feel the need to fight monsters? First we must perceive "I" as distinct from "an other". At the heart of the matter, all is resolved into Oneness. But when we fail to perceive this, the sense of separation prevails. This is the root of all of our troubles. When we perceive some other who is somehow deemed a threat or is sufficiently "bad", the tendency is to get up in arms. This fuels the psychology of separation even further. There arises a battle between "us" and "them". In a neat little twist of irony, Reality proves that, ultimately, we are all One...even via the medium of our misguided efforts at preserving the separate self at the expense of the others who threaten it. We become the monster we fight. We're not different from it. The only reason that we don't generally see this is broken empathy and short attention spans.
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